Friday 1 August 2014

'Light Steps'

'Light Steps' is a production for children, choreographed and directed by Adesola Akinleye. The piece is inspired by Spencer Finch’s current exhibition in the Turner Gallery 'The Skies can't keep their secret'. Finch’s work explores the changing colours during the course of the day which emerges through natural light, which 'Light Steps' draws upon.

The production’s concept derived from a two week residency which took place at Bromstone Primary School in Kent. Where children of year 5 contributed to the creative development of ‘Light Steps’ - exploring the different parts of the day.
The children also participated in the design of two characters - which belongs to an imaginative world which lies parallel to reality - taking place within the production.
The characters (in a form of puppetry during the performance) would narrate the path of events that transpire during the course of each day.
The production will capture the essence of 5 moments taking place during each day, by using different colour lights (inspired by Finch) within the performance to represent which point in time these moments take place. 
Our rehearsal process is currently underway!

Photos taken and edited by Kat Leung
Pictured: Choreographer: Adesola Akinleye  Dancers: Alice Cade, Anna-Kay Alicia Gayle, Irisz Galuska  Music Composer & Performer: Jacob Shirley
Bear: Our current understudy of Alex!! 
Here we will update you on the latest creative progress and news on our new exciting children’s production - to be performed exclusively in Margate Turner Gallery on the 10th August, 2014.
Performances at 11:00 and 15:00
A great production for families - suitable for ages 3 and up.
Created and Choreographed by Adesola Akinleye of Dancing Strong

For more information click here
*Free entry

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